Tuesday 5 April 2016

Ayam Pansuh Lepau, Kuching.

  Lepau Restaurant, Kuching

Address :
082-242 160
The 4 of us went to Lepau Restaurant - a restaurant serving authentic Kayan cuisine. The staff was very helpful, and was careful with our orders. She also came back to ask us for feedback of the food, which we provided willingly. She also introduced us to the proprietor of the restaurant, a Kayan lady by the name of Roslyn.

Ayam Pansuh
The soup was very delicious, the meat tender. We commented on the lack of tapioca leaves in the dish. The staff told us that tapioca leaves were just stuffed into the bamboo receptacle as a cover, and not used as an ingredient by itself to cook the dish. She offered to bring us more tapioca leaves. The dish price around RM15-RM20.

 Nasi Bungkus
Fragrant and soft, I would love it to be hotter. The price range around RM5-RM7
Tasted good! There are many variations to umai. One can use boneless sea fish such as tenggiri, bawal (duwei in Sarawak), prawn, or even salted ikan terubok. The price range for this dish around RM10-RM15

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